2 Sessions
Taught by a certified professional trainer
For puppies 9-16 weeks of age
Sessions cover topics like:
Social skills
Health and grooming education
Early obedience
Building confidence
Unwanted behaviors (jumping, play biting, chasing)
Program Description:
The Puppy Preschool program educates owners on the growth, needs, and early training habits for a puppy between 9-16 weeks of age. The trainer will work closely with you on how to build a positive foundation in your puppy’s development. Sessions address unwanted behaviors and how to stop them and point your puppy in the right direction on how to properly face situations in and outside the home. Loyal Start’s Puppy Preschool gives you great bonding experiences with your puppy as well as educating and establishing your leadership. This is an essential program that leads to success in your puppy’s future obedience training.
Puppy Preschool
Puppy Preschool
Early training habits for a
puppy 9-16 weeks of age.
(read more)
Relationship Builder
One-on-one training
designed specifically for your dogs personality.
(read more)
Path to Success
Includes 5 days of training for obedience and good manners.
(read more)
Finish Line
Includes 10 days of training for obedience and good manners as well as additional commands. (read more)